Confronting a ‘Day Zero’ like Water Crisis

Are we nearing towards Dry days amidst water crisis? The case of Chennai so far aptly justifies it. 
Droughts in 2018 has rippling effects till date which is further accompanied by dried water bodies and depleting ground water levels. It also justifies Niti Aayog’s report of 21 Indian cities fearing to run out of groundwater by 2020, which includes Chennai. This grim water scenario in Chennai and also in other states of Maharashtra, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh is a challenge for the country’s water security as well.

We cannot defer such acute water shortage but can definitely attempt to find a feasible solution. Chennai must embrace an Integrated approach towards water management which must prudently involve strong political consensus to prioritize ‘Water Preservation, Conservation & Management which should be accompanied by strong institutional mechanism to back up political promises. But wait, let’s not forget the community actors like civil societies, RWAs, Self Help Groups participation which shall bring an impactful and visible results by supplementing government’s efforts strongly viz Water Harvesting efforts, capacity building measures.

By Dr Arvind Kumar President India Water Foundation

#IndiaWaterFoundation #Chennai #UttarPradesh #Droughts #WaterPreservation #CapacityBuildingMeasures #CommunityActors #NitiAayog


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