Delhi reeling under Water crisis!!

India’s capital is running out of water with depleting #waterreserves and dwindling #groundwater supply. The remarks of #DelhiJalBoard explaining the water demand exceeding its supply certainly draws a flak. The inescapable water mafia, rising water tankers, illegal piped connections compounded with non-qualitative water supply has put a heavy burden on the public exchequer. Are we waiting for a grim scenario like Cape Town Day Zero which anyways #Niti Aayog has pointed out as early as 2020. Can’t we rewrite this state of apathy? Time to Ponder
What if we rejuvenate our ‘Source’ water bodies, recharge aquifiers, store rain water, reuse of waste water? We could supplement our water usage especially during the lean dry seasons.  But this must be a shared responsibility of Government, Delhi Jal Board, private players, civil society and public’. Moreover, the practice of charging an amicable cost from every user would lessen the burden on the tax payers and much better than paying an exorbitant money to the illegal mafia.  
We need to Act Now because to envisage #JalShaktiMinistry’s ambitious plan of ‘#NalseJal’ the only hope we see is ‘Making Water Available’ first for the rising #1.3billion. On the eve of the auspicious day of #NirjalaEkadashi which is a symbol of prosperity, happiness and forgiveness of all sins and by observing self abstinence of water (NirJal) and charity to others, let’s pledge to solve this water crisis with virtues of sheer grit and Determination.

Key Resource Hub of Networking
By Dr Arvind Kumar President India Water Foundation

#Networking #JalShakti #Source #Virtues #Determination #CapeTownDayZero #DelhiJalBoard #WaterMafia


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