Poisoned Drinking Water

John Sellers, a vigilant resident of New York has post an item at Agit.Pop on 27 July 2010 which says that Gas extraction, made possible by hydraulic fracturing (or fracking for short), pumps dangerous toxins into our drinking water. According to this report, Natural Gas, our newest greenest and secure source of Energy is not “Clean Natural" Gas. Gas extraction, made possible by hydraulic fracturing (or fracking for short) has to sit right beside Deep Sea Drilling, Mountain Top Removal, and Dirty Tar Sands Oil in the pantheon of insane ways to get carbon fix.
It is interesting to note here that Halliburton pantented fracking: a process that mixes millions of gallons of precious fresh water with a proprietary cocktail of toxics, injects it through our drinking water table, and into the ground at a pressure that will fracture rock? John Sellers has exhorted the citizens of New York to stand up against this.
According to Sellers, fracking has brought the gas rush to New York. Some of the biggest and dirtiest names in Big Oil are coming to frack and they will not be gentle with New York's world class water features.
He further cautions that the people of New York can expect the same dirty drilling that has poisoned the water in Texas, Colorado, Wyoming, and Ohio. While posing the question as to who will be at risk, Selles opines everyone downstream including the drinking water of tens of million in New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.
This is indeed an alarming report and the Government in India should take note of this and see whether similar process is taking place in the country as well where drilling for oil or gas reserves takes place. It is high time to take well-concerted precautionary measures to save underground water from such harmful effects.


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