Gandhi & Climate Change

Gandhi & Climate Change

By Dr Arvind Kumar

As the governments of the world discuss climate change at a time when the world’s existence stands threatened by climate change and by terrorist violence, humanity should go back to the basics and reappraise its current lifestyle. The world must take a fresh look at all of Gandhi’s prescriptions that evolved from spiritual insight rather than intellectual analysis. Gandhi’s most cherished prescriptions for mankind that were ignored are now threatening the very existence of this planet. Three of Gandhi’s cardinal beliefs that he reiterated throughout his life are: first, his stress on a vegetarian diet and the need for self-restraint, even in sex; secondly his commitment to non-violence; thirdly, his advocacy of a self-sufficient pastoral life with minimal reliance on the machine. Gandhi’s primary concern was the study of Man. He delved deep into his own consciousness to become acquainted with his desires, instincts, will power and mental serenity. After such contemplation he arrived at his conclusions about how men should live their lives. His concept of man therefore was of an organic entity in perfect harmony with nature. And such harmony in Gandhi’s view resulted in human happiness and serenity.

Gandhi’s prescriptions for society therefore radiated to the outside world from inner needs of man that were in perpetual conflict with the greed of man.
Gandhi despised the machine. Gandhi’s concept of a self-sufficient, decentralized pastoral life made for minimal conflict. Gandhi’s small book, Self-restraint versus Self-indulgence, outlined among other things a sensible diet. In order to survive, the world must heed his advice.


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