IMD Foundation Day

IMD Foundation Day
By Dr Arvind Kumar
15th January this year marks the 137 anniversary day of the foundation of India Meteorological Department (IMD). It was on this momentous day that Mr. H.F.Blanford took charge as the Meteorological Reporter to the Govt. of India. During the past 136 years of its existence, IMD has contributed immensely for the development of science of meteorology over the sub-continent. The department has served the cause of safety and well being of Indian population against weather related hazards and to economic development of the country. IMD considers 15th January as an opportune moment to highlight its achievements and pathway for future development.

“According to DG IMD Shri Dr. Ajit Tyagi, IMD is responsible for measuring rainwater and has almost 200 years of rainfall data, which is used by various planners and decision makers to make planned and informed decisions. This data is available upto district level and is available on the website too. They are soon planning to reach upto block level.There is huge temporal and spatial variability in rainfall availability. IMD is planning to provide guidelines in short (district level forecast upto 5 days) and medium range (state level forecast upto 15 days). These forecasts will help in managing water resources. Climate variability and climate change requires long term investments & planning and adaptation and mitigation. Climate change science is evolving science but it is certain that it is taking place and not just a natural variability. It has already manifested in temperature rise and other related parameters but India is lucky not to be much affected so far as total rainfall availability is concerned. But within the country there are regional variations being noticed.There are limitations of Climate models but they are not able to predict and give projections at sub-regional levels. In next 5 -10 year as the science is progressing, IMD will be able to give accurate directions as well as quantum of changes. This is crucial for planning of water sector.With multiple stakeholders in Government, there is a need for coordination among all. IMD has engaged in MoUs with some agencies like Central Water Commission to provide data regarding rainfall availability. Scientific planning can be done with this data. This will lead to efficient and competitive use of water. Ministry of Earth Sciences is also working on other technologies like desalination, cloud seeding etc.”

The Foundation Day is celebrated with a view to promote awareness about advancements and new initiatives taken by the department for improving its capabilities & services and to recognize offices & employees who have done excellent work.
The IMD has undertaken many laudable measues recently which inter alia include: modernization of its infrastructure to deliver value added services, which encompass refurbishing and enhancing its Observational capability, Forecasting techniques and Communication facilities; Implementation of Global Forecast System (GFS) model at resolution (35 Km) at Delhi on High Performance Computing Systems (HPCS) to generate seven days forecast, Implementation of high resolution regional model at different centres of IMD, Operationalisation of Multi-Model Ensemble (MME) extended range forecasts, Installation of Central Information & Processing System (CIPS) at IMD New Delhi; Introduction of Climate Data Management System (CLISYS) at IMD Pune and IMD Delhi, Integrated Agro-meteorological Advisory System at District level and introduction of Public Weather Service (PWS).
India is visited by natural calamities and disasters frequently. Many hilly regions in India, particularly Ladakh and Uttarakhad have suffered unprecedented havoc wreaked by cloud bursts, landslides and flash floods during 2010. The IMD is called upon to play crucial role in calamity-prone regions in conjunction with other ministries and state governments.

#IMD #Uttrakhand #Ladakh #Calamity #MME #CIPS #EarthSciences #Technologies #Desalination


  1. Dear Arvind ji

    Thanks a lot for your mail felicitating IMD on its 137th Foundation Day. IMD is continuously working to improve its services. Notwithstanding the fact that improvements have taken place in IMD, a lot needs to be done to meet requirements of various sectors, specially Water sector. India Water Foundation can provide valuable inputs as regards to requirement of rainfall data at different spatial and temporal scales.


    Ajit Tyagi

    Sent from BlackBerry® on Airtel


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