Welcome Move:

India’s inclusion as the 35th member of the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), an exclusive club of countries controlling exports in missile technology, which comes days after China stalled India's entry into nuke club NSG, is a welcome move. India’s membership of the MTCR will enable it to deal in high-end missile technology. China is not a member of the MTCR, however. Beijing's application to join the MTCR is pending, affording an opportunity for New Delhi to use it as a bargaining chip with China.

In the aftermath of testing diplomatic waters in Beijing, India should pursue well-concerted farsighted diplomacy, especially with China, in making optimum gains with minimal efforts. Unlike the past when India showed its magnanimity in extending unconditional support to China’s induction into the UN, accepting Chinese suzerainty over Tibet and one-China policy, India should augment its bargaining power vis-à-vis China in international arena by enhancing its economic clout. It also devolves on political dispensation to behave in a mature and balanced manner.

#China #Tibet #India #NSG #MTCR #Beijing #Missile


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