Extending the gains beyond Lockdown amidst COVID-19

By Dr. Arvind Kumar, President, India Water Foundation

This difficult challenge amidst COVID-19 pandemic is perhaps the right time to implement initiatives and solutions that promote clean air for all and support cleaner air strategies. Residents of the national capital of Delhi inhaled the cleanest air in more than five years, with Air Quality Index (AQI) count settling at 41, the capital’s lowest reading, according to a report in the Times of India. This is an achievement indeed, but the gains earned during the pandemic lockdown should not fade away in despair when normalcy prevails.

Effective governance is essential in terms of systematic collection of air quality data along with a scientific approach to air quality management. Low-cost sensor technology can be installed at multiple places to monitor the data and this collection of multiple data can be helpful in synchronizing the related issues and in formulation of the policies accordingly. System of #AirQuality and Weather Forecasting and Research (#SAFAR), a national initiative by the Ministry of Earth Sciences (#MoES) is one such example to measure the location-specific air quality of a metropolitan city. However, harnessing the scientific knowledge at grassroots level is facilitated by the civil society as a catalyst between policymaker and stakeholder to ensure effective implementation of the policies and proper utilization of the appropriate technologies in air quality monitoring.

Effective people-centric strategies lead to desirable change and combating Air pollution requires multi-stakeholder approach. Lets Act towards ‘Clean Air for All’.

#AirQuality  #CleanAirBharat #UrbanPlanning #Decarbonisation #ClimateRisk #GreenEnergy #Nature #COVID19 #WorldCleanAirDay #ProtectBlue #CleanAirforBlueSkies #CleanAirForAll #AirQuality #BreatheLife #CleanandQualityBreath #LetMeBreathe #IAmForBlue #CleanAir4Healt #TheFutureWeWant #EnvironmentMatters #HealthyAir #ClimateChangeClimateAction

*Note: Painting by Mohit Tiwari, Class: 7th, District: Shravasti


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