Dr Arvind Kumar

Earth Day is an annual event that is celebrated around the world on 22nd April for the past four decades. The purpose of Earth Day is to honour, appreciate, protect, and respect the environment. The first Earth Day was held in 1970 in the United States, and drew over 20 million Americans from different communities and college campuses to become involved with environmental issues. Earth Day allows citizens to create awareness of the environment and to learn how people’s everyday decisions affect the environment. Earth Day has become one of the largest outdoor events in recent years, with about one billion people joining in the activities in thousands of different locations around the world. It is important to create awareness on how to save the earth from damage by pollution. It is up to us to make the earth a safer and healthier place for future generations. People’s everyday actions are related to pollution, which is destroying the environment and impacting human life.

Individual efforts are required to conserve water, recycle waste, start planting trees, garden beds and flowers by creating a green environment for generations to come. Making a few changes in the home and yard can lead to big reductions in greenhouse gas emissions while saving money. Replacing the bulbs most frequently used with bulbs that have the ENERGY SAVER label will help the environment while saving money on energy bills. Earth Day is a day of educating the public in promoting a healthy, clean earth. Let’s take some time to promote a healthy, clean earth on all days of the year.

#energySaver #CleanEarth #HealthierPlace #Pollution #Water #Conserve #Environment #Americans


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