Deteriorating Human Values

Deteriorating Human Values

By Dr Arvind Kumar

Deterioration in human values has seemingly become a ubiquitous phenomenon, particularly in India. It is not to say other countries are not affected by decline in human values but situation is really getting more serious which has resulted in giving rise to lots of problems on the account of loss of human values. This trend of decline in human values does not only pose serious threat to the future course of development of the country but even for its survival, respect and authority itself. The Indians migrating abroad are generally faced with all types of problems in each and every corner of the world. Cases of Indians being continuously isolated, attacked, expelled, and forced to leave countries all over the world are increasing day by day. It is all due the reason that young generation of Indians are migrating to other countries with mentality of unwanted competition, corruption, indiscipline and in-humanity. Our predecessors were respected in those countries because of their inherited human values of humanity, discipline, honesty and respecting others.

Though, change in social/human values in younger generation is inevitable with time but the decline in Indian younger generation is at an alarming rate as compared to any other country all over the world. It devolves on the parents, teachers and society to imbibe the desired human values in the younger generation.


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  2. Working on a project about deteriorating human values..will surely use pions frm dis article...


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