Need for Convergence

Need for Convergence

By Dr Arvind Kumar

The messy state of affairs pervading preparations for the Commonwealth Games just before 9 days from the commencement of the CWG has compelled the Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh to take the command into his own hands at the eleventh hour. None of the authorities assigned with the task of these preparations – CWG Committee, Ministry of Sports, Urban Affairs Ministry and the Delhi Government – is prepared to share the blame. This shows that multiple authorities lacked proper coordination, cooperation and monitoring of the ongoing preparations. This resulted in scams, fall of foot overbridge, fall of some portion of ceiliing in a hall in the Nehru Stadium and lack of basic amenities in the Sports Village complex. However, it has brought the nation into disrepute as many participating countries and their players have cast aspersions about the adequacy and viability of the entire programme.

There is a dire need of overhauling the entire structure of the Government to bring in convergence in order to facilitate better governance, coordination and cooperation between and among the different departments. A review of the functioning of the existing ministries, their departments and subordinate organizations should be undertaken to oversee overlapping of authority, replication of functioning and other related aspects of administrative nature.


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