India vs Bharat

India vs Bharat
By Dr Arvind Kumar
India and Bharat are not separate geographical entities but constitute one juridical geographical entity. India signifies urban areas while Bharat represents rural areas. This divisive nomenclature emanates from vast economic disparities and differences in socio-cultual ethos between the rural and urban population of India. The CPM leader Sitaram Yechurry has opined that there are two Indias in the making – ‘the Indian Premier League or IPL India’ represented by handfull millionnaires and billionnaires, and the ‘Below Poverty Line or BPL India’, which encompasses vast majority of population. One official survey says 20% of rural India lives on Rs 12 a day. Another survey states 77% of the country survived on less than Rs 20. Contrary to the expectations of proponents of neo-liberal regime, it appears gains of a growing economy have remained confined to the elite in urban areas and these are not trickling down to rural areas.
While India believes in the West, Bharat reposes its trust in the ancient culture of the land. While India looks towards the west for solutions, Bharat looks within for solutions. The Indian outlook is materialistic, while the Bharathiya ethos views spirit as primary and believes in the spiritual approach. While India believes in self-indulgence, Bharat believes in sacrifices. While India believes in individualism, Bharat believes in family values. The list seems to be endless. Only when a nation progresses along its roots, it truly advances. Indigenous growth is better than imitation of the west any day. Well-concerted policies need to be devised to narrow down this gap.
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