Tsunami Warning

Tsunami Warning
By Dr Arvind Kumar
The recent earthquake and tsunami that has wrecked havoc in Japan is a stern warning of the impending catastrophic impact of ongoing climate change, which affects one and all without geographic considerations. It is high time that international community should address this most serious problem sincerely and make this Planet Earth a livable place for the posterity. The disaster management facilities should be made available to the vulnerable countries with appropriate technology and training. Japan is a developed society and it is capable of tiding over this catastrophe within expected time. However, Haiti which was also devastated by the earthquake is still reeling under the trauma. The concerned UN agencies along with developed nations should select most vulnerable areas and keep rescue teams in alert to meet any eventaulity. It is an international humanitarian mission transcending geographic, ideological and cultural barriers. As natural calamity visits without warning and irrespective of any consideration, so tackling that calamity is a universal responsibility.
India has already been a victim of tsunami in 2004. Occurrence of earthquakes is almost a recurring phenomenon in India. There is need to implement safety measures with dedication and sincerity. The high rise buildings in Japan suffered not much damage in recent earthquake because these buildings are constructed according to a strict code. However, this practice is missing in India where building norms are fequently flouted. There is a need for stringent check in this regard and no let-up should be tolerated.
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