Universal Human Beings Week 1st March

Universal Human Beings Week 1st March

By Dr Arvind Kumar

First day of the month of March is observed as the beginning of Universal Human Beings Week annually from March 1st to 7th in various countries. It is observed to celebrate Humanity and to give primacy to the human and spiritual, rather than to the material values of life. Though as Human we all are far much intelligent than animals but we still suffer from greed, jealousy, anger, hatred, lust etc. We are at war with each other be it regarding borders of our countries or acquiring more wealth. There is a need for us to be at peace with each other at all levels. To focus on the path that we are Human Beings and that we should act as such, is the driving force behind this observance. This observance of Universal Human Beings Week has been popularized by International Society of Friendship and Good Will, founded by Dr. Stanley Drake in 1978. This obscure observance during the first week of March each year is conducted in hopes of inspiring men and women to break free from the shackles of their traditional groups, and reach out to the rest of the world in an attempt to form a global village.

The ideals underlying this observance are: international understanding, education, and relations, to honor law and humanity, to put humans and ethical behavior above material wealth, and to support organizations that actively work for peace, friendship and good will. There is need to encourage the observance of this week in India as well to spread the message of peace, harmony, love and compassion for the poor down-trodden segments of the society.


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